Je mets en note ci-dessous un paragraphe qui m’a frappé du livre « Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers: The Secrets of Ancient Fermentation (Anglais) de Stephen Harrod Buhner :
The aromatic properties of all parts of juniper plants
have been used against bad magic, plague, and various
negative influences in so many cultures, from the Letts
to the Chinese to the Pueblo Indians, that there would
seem to be some validity to considering the scent as
beneficial in general to the human predicament.
Overlapping traditions are useful in triangulating valid
functions in folk medicine. If unrelated traditions say
that Yarrow clots blood, it is easy to admit that such is
probably the case,- if they say that juniper clears bad
« vibes, » many of us will back off and start to twitch
skeptically. Our mechanistic approach to « primitivism »
is too selective, accepting the possibility of drug effect
on the one hand and nervously rejecting something as
« subjective » as the warding off of bad influences on the
other. In most non-Western peoples the two go hand
in hand.
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